
Buckinghamshire County Ladies Golf Association

2025 Captain's Summer Meeting

To be held at Denham  GC on Thursday, 24 th July 2024.

A 4-Ball Team Alliance with 2 scores to count open to all players with a WHS Handicap Index.   Teams need not be members of the same club.  

Please ensure you select the correct fee payment.

The entry fee will be £73 per person Non-Denham (Non D) Member, £38 for Denham Members (D) for a 4-ball Team Alliance followed by a 2-course lunch and prizes.

The online entry screen will ask you for CDH numbers for all entrants and contact details (email, phone and address) for the first named entrant.  Please ensure you complete these as follows:

Email address is the email address to be used for all competition information.
Address must be the billing address for the credit card used for payment.

Closing date for entries - 27 June 2025.

 Summer Meeting Entry
Terms of Competition

For further information contact the Competitions Secretary

2024 President's Summer Meeting

It gave me great pleasure that my own Golf Club, The Lambourne should host my President’s Summer Meeting this year. The day was an enormous success with 80 ladies from eleven Buckinghamshire Clubs attending. The Clubhouse had a real buzz as everyone arrived to check-in and looked forward to a highly competitive day of golf, good fun and plenty of chat.  

We were delighted to welcome two special guests, Christine Bishop, President of Oxfordshire and formerly a BCLGA handicap advisor, and Teddy Bevan, past BCLGA President.  

The weather may have been a bit dreary, but it did not dampen our spirits. 

The day began with a shotgun start, setting a fun and competitive tone. 

At the halfway hut, we enjoyed scrumptious sausage rolls, mini cupcakes, fresh strawberries, and Pimms. In the absence of sunshine, these treats helped brighten our day. 

After the golf, ladies enjoyed a sit-down lunch. The delicious meal was efficiently served by Debra and her capable team.  

Congratulations to all the prize-winners, whose names are listed on our website. 

A new fundraising initiative, Team Mulligans, was an enormous success, raising £400. These funds will help our County Team defend their title at the National Finals in Stover Golf Club, Devon, from 20-22 September 2024. 

Special thanks must go to -  

The greenkeepers who work tirelessly to present the golf course in such excellent condition. The pros, Scott, and his team for all their help in the smooth running of the day. 

The front of house, Debra and her team and kitchen staff for a lovely halfway hut and a delicious lunch, reflected in the many compliments I received. 

A heartfelt thank you to Beverley, The Lambourne’s joint Lady Captain, for her elegant flower arrangements which added a touch of beauty to the event. 

And a big thank you to my husband Robert for his invaluable help and support and expert chopping up of the fruit for our Pimms.  

I would like to extend a very special thank you to my fellow committee member Jackie Maher. Jackie, our Competitions Organiser, worked diligently behind the scenes to make this event a success. And thanks also to Rosemary, our Hon Secretary for her assistance on the day. 

And finally, a very big thank you to all the ladies who supported my President’s Day and made this special event so memorable. I am enormously proud of my Club, The Lambourne, and I do hope you enjoyed your day. 

Maura Spencer 

BCLGA President 

Congratulations to our winners:

1st Team

Liz Clegg, Kate Reeves, Sue Martin, Heather Gray (Harleyford)

2nd Team

Eileen Charig, Michelle Leveridge, Jilly Jordan, Barbara Briggs (The Lambourne)

3rd Team

Sue Clarke, Chantal Pradier, Claire Geneen, Pamela Tierney (The Lambourne)

Nearest the Pin - Division 1

Sue Adams (The Lambourne)

Nearest the Pin - Division 2

Debbie Leet (The Lambourne)

Memories from the day. 


2024 - Report and Photographs

2023 - Report and Photographs

2022 - Report

2021 - Cancelled due to Covid 19

2020 - Cancelled due to Covid 19

2019 - Results

2019 - Report

Honours Board

Summer Meeting

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