
Buckinghamshire County Ladies Golf Association

County Captain's Charity

Our County Captain, Susanna Mitterer, has chosen Dogs for Good as her Charity for 2022-2024. 

Dogs for Good make life-changing differences for people with disabilities through the power of expertly trained dogs. Assistance dogs are matched with a person, thus supporting adults and children with a range of physical disabilities, children on the autism spectrum and adults with early onset Dementia.

With your kind donations over the 2 years BCLGA will sponsor its own Dog 'Caddie'. 

At 8 weeks old, Caddie has been placed with his dedicated volunteers (puppy socialisers Linda & John) in Sept 2023 for around 14-16 months.  They’ll provide a warm, safe, loving home whilst providing Caddie with social and early development training.

They’ll go out into the community to familiarise Caddie with shops, cafés, pubs, restaurants, medical environments, cinemas, etc.  They will travel on buses and trains and meet lots of people along the way.

They will also attend group training sessions too (puppy classes), learning obedience commands such as SIT, STAY, LIE DOWN, COME BACK and LEAVE IT.

Our BCLGA Sponsorship Certificate can be accessed  here .

Thanks to your kind donations throughout 2023 we have already raised the fantastic sum of £5,020.50 towards Caddie's upbringing and training over the next 2 years. 

This has given us the opportunity to sponsor a second dog, Kurtis with our fundraising efforts during 2024. Kurtis, a yellow labrador, was born in October 2023 and placed with his socialisers Annie and Stuart in Bedfordshire, where he will be introduced to a variety of new environments, people and activities, and your donation will support him throughout this process.

The Sponsorship Certificate for Kurtis can be accessed here.

2024 Charity News

Caddie is growing up fast and his 9-month update report can be accessed here.

Curtis has also reached a milestone, and his 9-month update report can be accessed here.

Kurtis Kurtis

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