
Buckinghamshire County Ladies Golf Association

League Matches

Scratch Matches

Bucks play league scratch matches against Berks and Oxon.

Each match consists of 3 x 4BBB games off scratch, with no handicap limit.

The winner of the league goes forward to the Midlands South Scratch Team Final.

Handicap Matches

Bucks play league handicap matches against Berks and Oxon.

Each match consists of 5 singles games off full handicap difference with a handicap index limit of 14.0 - 36.0.

The winner of the league goes forward to the Midlands South Handicap Team Final.

Midlands South Team Finals

The winner of the Bucks/Berks/Oxon scratch league plays the winner of the Northants/Warks/W&H scratch league.

The winner of the Bucks/Berks/Oxon handicap league plays the winner of the Northants/Warks/W&H handicap league.

Friendly Matches

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