
Buckinghamshire County Ladies Golf Association

2024 Centenary Trophy Competition

Fourball Better Ball and lunch will be held  on 21st August 2024 at Burnham Beeches.

Entry has re-opened with a closing date of 26 July 2024.

Please ensure you select the correct fee payment.

Cost of entry will £55 per person (£110 per pair) Non-Burnham Beeches (Non-BB), £35 per person (£70 per pair) for Burnham Beeches Members (BB).

The online entry screen will ask you for CDH numbers for all entrants and contact details (email, phone and address) for the first named entrant.  Please ensure you complete these as follows:

Email address is the email address to be used for all competition information

Address must be the billing address for the credit card used for payment

Terms of Competition
Competition Entry 

For further information please contact Competitions Secretary

2023 Centenary Trophy Competition 

On 9 August 2023, BCLGA celebrated its first 100 years with a Centenary Trophy Competition played at Woburn Golf Club.

On a perfect English Summer’s day, the sixty-four pairings from 22 clubs, sporting their own Clubs’ colours teed-off on the magnificent Marquess Course playing Fourball Better Ball. Without exception, the fun and enjoyment of the occasion was clear to see in the faces of the ladies as they came into the Club, changed for lunch and proceeded to the dining room …… via the bar recalling many tales of the day!

Lunch followed and the brand-new trophy, a beautiful pair of silver swans mounted on a wooden plinth and donated by our County Captain, was presented by Susanna to our winning pair Katie Reid and Claudia Weston of Gerrards Cross GC.

Our special Guest of Honour, Jeremy Tomlinson CEO England Golf, presented a glass plaque, a gift from England Golf, to County President Lynda Hilton to commemorate our Centenary Year.

Thank you to everyone involved and special thanks to Woburn Golf Club, its members and staff for making this unique day an occasion to remember.

Following the success of the day it was decided to make it an annual event and we look forward to welcoming you all to Burnham Beeches GC next year.

Jackie Maher

Competitions Secretary

Photos from on the Marquess Course

Photos from lunch and the presentation of prizes


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